Electrical Blog

Electric car plugged into charger

Tips for Using Your EV Charger More Efficiently

In recent years, electric vehicles have increased in popularity because people are in search of more ways to preserve our environment. As more individuals install EV chargers at their homes to make charging their vehicles more convenient, understanding how to use EV chargers more efficiently becomes critical. If you’re considering making the switch to an electrical vehicle and installing an EV charger at your home, here are some tips for ensuring you have a more efficient EV charging experience.

Make Use of Smart Charging Features

Many EV chargers are built with smart charging features that enhance energy efficiency and improve charging experiences. These include notifications, remote monitoring, and scheduled charging. You can schedule charging times when electricity rates are at their lowest, and you can also monitor your vehicle charging status remotely. You can receive notifications when charging is finished, too.

Choose a Level Two Charger

Whether you’re looking for a new EV charger to install for the first time or need to replace the one you have, you should consider procuring a level two model. Level two chargers provide quicker charging speeds compared to their level one counterpart. Because your vehicle will charge faster, you won’t consume as much energy. Just make sure you choose a charging station that’s compatible with your vehicle and meets your needs.

Have an Electrician Install a Dedicated Circuit

To offer a seamless charging experience and to avoid overloading your home electrical system, have an electrician install a dedicated circuit. This not only improves safety, but it also provides a better charging experience, as other appliances and electronics won’t impact charging speeds when they’re in use.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance ensures that your charging equipment continues to run at full capacity. Have an electrician inspect and clean your charging station annually. During the maintenance visit, the electrician will check components for wear and tear and clean away any debris that builds up because of normal use. Your electrician will also look for issues that can impact charging efficiency and work with you to rectify them.

Keep Updated on the Newest Technology

EV charging technology is ever changing. Because of this, you should stay updated on the latest advancements to choose a better model than your current one when it becomes available. Newer technology can offer better energy savings and quicker charging times. You should also future proof your current charging setup by making sure your software can receive updates and enhance charging efficiency.

As EV infrastructure continues to grow and improve, adopting these basic EV charging tips will contribute to a more enjoyable journey with your electric vehicle. If you want to install or upgrade EV chargers at your Lansing, MI home, then contact Wire Works.