When you already have enough household tasks to handle on a regular basis, the last thing you likely want to deal with is problems with your electricity. These easy-to-manage actionable tips can help prevent electrical panel issues to protect yourself, your home, and your electricity-powered devices.
Upgrade the Panel Before Installing Major Electrical Draws
New additions to your home, such as an EV charging station or a hot tub, can overload the electrical panel and cause a range of issues, including breakers tripping. Before buying and installing any items that will draw a lot of additional electricity, consult a professional electrician to determine if you need to update your panel first.
Schedule Professional Maintenance
Fixing issues with your electrical panel may seem simple enough, but it’s rarely a good idea to DIY a fix for this sort of problem. Schedule professional maintenance and repairs to ensure the job gets done properly and safely.
So, what do you look for when you want to hire a professional electrician? You need to ensure they’re licensed and insured. It’s also important to make sure they have the skills and experience to correctly do the task without worsening the problem. You certainly don’t want a fire starting or the electrical issue escalating because the job wasn’t done properly.
Don’t forget to look up reviews online. They can be a great way of learning more about the electrician’s capabilities.
Don’t Overload the System
If you don’t know your electrical panel’s capacity, it can be easy to overload the system, especially if you have many items running at once, such as the washer, dryer, hair dryer, air conditioner, and refrigerator.
Speak to a professional electrician. Your electric needs may have changed over time, and that may require upgrading your electrical panel. An electrician can also advise you about what to do in the meantime.
Inspect the Electrical Panel
Many electrical panels are located out of the way, such as in a basement. If you don’t usually go near the panel, it’s important to make a conscious effort to check on it regularly just to make sure everything seems to be running smoothly. For instance, the panel should never be overly hot, nor should it be making a buzzing noise. It’s also wise to have it professionally inspected every one to three years.
Don’t let electrical panel issues cause problems or put your household at risk. Get in touch with Wire Works for a comprehensive check of your electrical panel in Lansing, MI to determine if you need a repair or replacement.