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4 Signs That Your Home’s Lights Need Repairs

You rely on your home’s lights to see clearly during the day and at night. From wall sconces to ceiling fixtures, most rooms in your home have some lights. Other designs are perfect for outdoor use, helping you entertain friends and have fun after dark. Consider these warning signs that your home’s lighting needs immediate attention.

1. Dimming Lights

One warning sign to look for is a light that dims. Dimming means the lights go from bright to dark. This can happen every few minutes, but it’s more common when you first hit the switch. The lights can also dim as you use them. Dimming lights are usually a sign of a problem with either the wiring in the walls or your electrical panel. You need an electrician to examine the lights and decide where the problem lies.

2. Flickering Lights

While lights can dim and lose power for a few minutes or longer, you may also deal with flickering lights. As the lights flicker, the room goes dark and brightens up again right away. Though you may experience flickering lights for just a few seconds, it can last much longer. In some cases, a light may run for hours without a problem and then abruptly start flickering. While loose or damaged wiring is a common reason for the flickering, it can also occur when you overload a circuit, or the panel isn’t strong enough to accommodate the load.

3. Buzzing Noises

Is there anything more annoying than hearing the lights in your home buzzing when you use them? This buzzing sound can range from a light noise you hardly hear to what sounds like a colony of bees swarming your house. These sounds can pop up as soon as you turn on the lights or after you have run them for hours. Often caused by lights that run too hot, this problem will need an electrician to diagnose.

4. Tripped Breakers

If you recently installed new lighting, pay attention to tripped breakers. Circuit breakers can also handle loads of a certain size. When you have too many things running off the same breaker, it trips or flips to protect itself. While you can reset the breaker, it will keep tripping. This is a good thing because it prevents fires and electrical damage. To keep the breaker from tripping when you run the lights, you may need to upgrade the circuit to accommodate a bigger load.

When you experience one or more of these warning signs, you’ll know you need to call for help. An electrician can ensure your lights are suitable for your home and fix any common issues. Reach out to Wire Works when you need professional lighting services in Lansing, MI.